Louise - Spark

Pilot project

2 December, 2022


Sponsor this project! - Have your name/logo listed here

1. About


When women come together to an arranged time and space, and they allow themselves to go within,a connection takes place with the Conscious Universe. There seems to be networked connection of consciousness and the love they feel is amplified and sent out - like a mobile transmitting station: A Beacon of Love.

Louise is a deep spiritual event connecting women to the divine:

“I can not describe it (the experience).”
“I have spoken to God who reminded us of our creativity and to take responsibility for our thoughts, actions, words!”
“radiant joy, strong pulsations in the 3rd eye, in the heart chakra, in the base chakra”
“I have felt energy, something has flowed into me.”


This project is to build a global network to do two Louise events per year.

It is an international project and the primary language is English.

More info

Concepts: Louise, Womenhood


Length (Man days): 34
Finance target (EUR): 9000

Main tasks

  • Concept
  • Website and putting info online
  • Reaching out to create network / community

2. Deliverables

  • Website with info
  • Database with contacts
  • Reservation for next event in Berlin

3. Milestones

Milestone 1: Concept, rough website with info, FB, contacts, graphic assets, possible networks to lever.
Milestone 2: Geographic database and contacts
Milestone 3: Communication network

4. Outline

Names and codes

Title: Louise Spark
Subtitle: Louise Pilot
Short title: LouiseSpark
System name: louise-spark


Scope: Louise
co'isms: [coAware coSein coChurch coCommunity coGestalt]
Project type: pilot
Activity cluster: Discover
Process type: scrum
Owner: thinkMe


Idea phase: forma
Rollout phase: spark






5. Support us!

Be a supporter! - Have your name and homepage link added below


Ian S. Williams


At atlantis° we believe that women have a more important role to play for humankind than we can envision today.
Louise is about connecting women, of growing a global conscious network, to unleash the power within.
Your donation will help support unleashing this potential.

Tell your friends - The power is in your network :-)

Help Louise to grow